纯朴的小镇青年继承城里亲戚一亿家产因此进城化身人间清醒点拨城市人并把财产分给穷人价值观非常伟光正少女潘金莲甚至有点说教同是愚人救世更喜欢《头发又粗又硬怎么变软》不过一些台词如今仍具现实意义:“People here are funny. They work hard to live and they forget how to live; they've created a lot of grand palaces here but they forget to create the nobles and put in them."
Where you have man making sth beautiful in partnership with nature, then it becomes sth completely life-enhancing. 1880年Francesco Ingegnoli先生去中日泊来的新品种Caco(柿子)我家遍地都是惹人嫌正所谓他山之石、可以攻玉