“You can’t not care about things you actually care about. You can’t fool yourself. It’s something you said: It’s not all about me. And even though I’m in pain, it’s worth sticking around to... maybe make my corner of the world a slightly better place.”
我对这个ip感到很conflicted... 很哥特很好笑但是“嘲讽中产阶级价值观”这一点怎么都觉得很奇怪亚当斯一家难道不是比中产更privileged、不用正经工作都不用担心钱的贵族吗... 用奇怪的超级有钱人来嘲讽从众的中产阶级受精卵着床出血真的让人很难评价... Wednesday拽拽的小大人气质太好玩了"I'll be the victim!" "All your life."