20161017 荣升最最爱的电视剧第一名打破只看一遍最多两遍的习惯太好看太好看7单恋复仇之吻 14放大招真心相爱之吻17放大招床上之吻 가슴이 아파 아이처럼 투덜대고 지질하게 구는 그에게 연민과 동시에 귀여운 매력 같
这季几条线的人物智商都令人堪忧啊啊哈哈~溢出来尤其是Leo动不动义正严辞道“I have to protect them" doesn't make sense的好吗E07比E08精彩E08结尾大招没放起来格局可以再大一些的Anyway, still more enjoyable than Westworld
哀乐之间举重若轻游刃有余 “all thoes years he suffered those were the best years of his lifecause they made him who he was.all the years he was happytotal waste...high school those are your prime suffering years”“life's one fucking beauty contest after another.if i wanna fly i'll find a way to fly"谁都会是loser 只要置身于现实世界 一切没有变好 只是有很多人和你一样