“I never forgot that New Year's Evewhen Aunt Bea awakened me to watch 1944 come in.And I've never forgotten any of those peopleor any of the voices we used to hear on the ridio.Althought the truth iswith the passing of each New Year's Evethose voices do seem to grow dimmer and dimmer.戴安基顿那段真美
棒球运动员Kirby Kyle的故事无比搞笑/So who do you think is rightI think you both deserve each other./那是我第一次到城里的音乐厅我像到了天堂一样/他说解决战争好办各国首脑去体育场单挑并且用装满马饲料的短袜一决胜负/片尾的黛安太美了/ 伍迪·艾伦电影镜头下40年代的美国