At a certain point, I couldn't help wondering why Dave is so eager to be Calvin's friend. After all, neighbors can just stay neighbors. And by the end of this season, political elements kind of shoot up. BTW: Gemma's performance is prominently better than Caroline's. 233
#2022戛纳并列评审团大奖# 居然比金棕榈还差哈哈哈哈哈今年这评审团……我要是在现场可能直接送X吧我一直在思考一个问题就是为什么特么的要花两个多小时看这么一个三如片……虽然“lovers on the run”是个很明显的叙事套路“一切都是虚假的只有身体是真实的”也很好理解但是搞得这么支离破碎也实在是……可能唯一值得一说的就是片中的疫情表象