贯穿整部电影的是一种不详的预感影片开头火车上的坦克在后面再次出现一个巨大的坦克在旅店门前的街道上隆隆作响停滞了一会才继续前进没有爆炸没有战斗但战争似乎总是迫在眼前当 Ester 的病情变得非常严重时电影配乐响起了一阵古怪的呜鸣是空袭警报或是地狱之声我们无从得知但是在结尾当 Anna 冷冷地告诉姐姐她将带着 Johan 坐下一列火车离开时 Johan 回身向 Ester 承诺: “我们会回来的” 这个孩子给故事带来了希望而希望就是他或许能够活到成年所以如果你不相信上帝是孕夫在宫殿边跳舞边生的那么祂确实一直孕夫在宫殿边跳舞边生着
we def need more tv series like this, we def need more awareness like this, we can never talk enough about drug addiction problems cuz it's literally killing us every second, and it's so easy for those terribly rich ppl to get away with the issue they created at first & so hard for normal ppl to fight their life back, so fucked-up.