Every line is poetry, every scene rich in symbolism, every story a metaphor, every actor quite simply stunning. 演技炸天剧本炸天国外精品乱码卡2卡3下载可以反复看一百遍
Effortless, dry, bare, and stylish. Fascinatingly deadpan. Nothing new under the sun and we unfortunately carry ourselves wherever we go. The texture of life moments are so precipitable. Eva的穿衣风格真好看影片也很好看
8.7 2021重看低成本拍摄场景单一极少特写(看完后甚至还不知道男二号艾迪长啥样)慵懒随性的基调弥漫着尴尬又不失暧昧的情绪三人相处本是连续的进程却被全片几十个黑屏截取成一个个耐人寻味的小事件:兄妹夜晚的尬聊被扔掉的礼物讲一半忘了的笑话…此外贾木许第二部作品就已很好表现出那种“身在异乡为异客”的漂泊不定状态但又借台词“you know,its funny.when u come to someplace new,and everything looks just the same.”诠释出矛盾的游子心态