坠落在Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer沙滩上的bunker被海水带走的只留存了一天的照片意外或是巧合人生的许多时刻都是转瞬即逝戈达尔老头真的太坏了奶奶说感觉见每一个人都是最后一面带着这样的心来到勒芒湖边走过那么多村庄竟最终也没见到的脸庞Louvre里面轮椅重现bande à part戳中泪点奶奶说这不只是她的电影印度妓女毛茸茸ⅩXXX是她和JR一起的电影怀念奶奶
weird conflicts, morbid high schoolers; young counterculture; life weighted as nothing; I don't see how a person can really be mature without outgrowing family influences. The sick make believe play of family idea (Judy, Jim, ) is frightening... a very good story with thoughtful symbolism but the pacing sucks; utterly passionate & crazy: love somebody within one day; the ending is like wtf