darkness loves everybody, yet we need light to love. 马修无与伦比的表演导演对节奏的控制丰富但克制的镜头语言营造了全剧水到渠成的气质除了波云诡谲、盘根错节的案情我们也看到了这片土地上如庄稼般泰然自若、引颈就割的乡人干老太太视频这种调调就像OP忧伤神秘无以名状若即若离
要素过多令人窒息不过最后倒是切了这个gay fantasia的题xxx 宗教元素算是同类型剧(80s AIDS time i mean)里的新颖之处但是感觉内核还是挺保守的8............. 加菲好可爱 (millennium-typical idealism is fricking sombre... yet gets me every. damn. time. smh it's just depressing looking back to the days when people held on to that flickering hope desperately from a post-millennium, deteriorating future.