20230114巴黎观影之8|冲着佩内洛普去看了个早场但从头到尾都完全落在了预期之内被家庭和中产生活和不忠的老公逼疯的女人+青春期叛逆的拉拉女儿这种老生常谈的主题以套路式的剧情冲突和镜头语言表现出来HOT149虽然可以共情但多少是无聊了点突如其来的歌舞桥段也莫名其妙导演太爱佩内洛普了导致塞进去了很多堪比广告片的美丽片段当然不能算烂片但是无功无过到看完它没有给我带来一丝新的东西@mk2 Quai de Seine
Some intriguing stuff here (mostly related to vengeful chimps and bug POV shots) hopelessly weighed down by Argento’s apparent inability to understand how humans talk and behave—always a weakness with him but made painfully obvious in this lackluster setting, despite Connelly’s conviction. The final shocks feel more desperate than earned.