“I am the orphan who won the lottery”. 意念决定当下可见的世界如果说人的恐惧来自缺失那战胜孤独和死亡的恐惧大开眼界迅雷下载就是活在当下的爱和陪伴中The revival of extentialism, being in being rather than reaching anywhere, is what we have shared in current post pandemic and post war II.
三线四女并行Diane / Maia / Lucca / Marissa 无夫无父 洗牌重起 Trump时代的困兽也要坚持战斗高质TGW衍生剧等下季“It's a grim time out there, and weird. Next will be boring, The world has to live in balance.” "I represent unscrupulous ppl while... The only constant is the law.