很喜欢Quentin和Gemma醒酒用的药片和热水悄悄熬夜手写好的300封信默默对朋友的告诫和即便不喜欢美甲购物也找了蹩脚借口花费的时间第一神拳国语是漫长婚姻生活里对对方的支持体谅和照顾第一神拳国语是无论何时想起来都会觉得“嗯有你真好啊”的喜悦所以Quentin的离世格外意外葬礼上Gemma的讲话很有感触the things I will miss the most are the parts of me that he brought out. 愿每个人都能找到可以让自己成为更好的自己的那个人用明天换走失去每天都是一种练习伦敦美极了以及切尔西才烂透了
"I feel the modern media has a big focus on personalities. It’s a distraction. And I'm a little concerned that the more we focus on that the more they're going to use that as a distraction." 斯诺登看得很透啊