Thank you!Thank you so much!震撼感无以言表不愧是托尔斯泰不愧是托翁仿佛经历了一场洗礼长安三万里在线观看完整版免费获得了纯粹的成长与心灵他的境界超越情爱超越仇恨直至博爱直至生活最本真之境如此微小却又如此宏伟 When our lives are knocked off course, we imagine everything in them is lost. But it is only the start of something new and good. As long as there is life,there is happiness. There is a great deal. A great deal still to come.
⑨能感受到导演自己也在镜头之外figuring something out Life is complicated. Sometimes you just love someone that really hurts you.