I've learned that life is a lot like surfing. Because you never know what's over the next wave. And if you have faith, anything is possible! Anything at all.Thanks Bethany. "Soul Surfer", very touching &inspiring... dream,love&life... there's so much worth to fight for...! ❤
一半的我和Matthew 一样转头离开那个是非之地成全视频在线观看免费看继续让热血只在荧幕前的黑暗里沸腾默默过完这一生一半的我和Isa、Theo 一起冲了出去用弹药燃烧的火光照亮体内每一根毛细血管里的涌动将名字刻上为自由而战的石碑 电影里外无不都是梦想家『You may say I am a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.』 大爱卢浮宫的赛跑cos断臂维纳斯迈克尔·皮特的颜和路易·加瑞尔的眼