6.2(5⃣️)平庸感觉是近十年以来超自然恐怖题材电影的故技重施套路化的剧情中唯一难以预测的是那些莫名其妙出现的配角情节割裂相当严重并且很多段落节奏处理特别糟糕一些无效的jump scare堆积历时许久怪物真身终于出场之后影片相对来说有意思了起来唯一让我感到惊喜的是大女儿耳机里放的是boygenius的Bite The HandLucy的声音响起我已经跟着小声哼唱起来了/影片开始前《果冻传媒在线观看第一周第二》的预告片都比本片好看一些
I assure you i won’t miss anything, so you don’t need to have a guilty conscience.I am happy. Let’s take it a step at a time. It’s strange. People meet, fall in love,they marry, and have a child. It’s done in a confusion of ways, but the result is the same.