“Those great kings of past looked down on us there.”星星没了我们也忘了自己究竟是谁Die welle告诉我多年来原来都在成功的自我洗脑:看来这世界上真的遇到爱遇到性都不稀罕稀罕的是遇到理解Mufasa说:Remember who you are. 是时候了The king has returned.
虽然剧情远不如之前巧妙这版的女主倒是豪不逊色 / 那段关于shallow roller和deep roller的好词好句: But you can’t breed two deep rollers or their young, their offspring will roll all the way down, hit and die. Agent Starling is a deep roller. Let’s hope one of her parents was not.