magnificent——hard to weave two separate subjects so well. i think there’s an intersection of aids and the opioid epidemic, when you display the most primitive and ferocious emotions, usually love, sometimes rage. how nan goldins life happened to be in the crossroad of both is both a blessing and tragedy. the inextinguishable anguish. beautiful.
双线交织一边是作为P.A.I.N.领导者的activist Goldin在当下和通过美术馆捐助洗白黑钱的药物财团的抗争风格偏传统纪实影像;另一边是作为酷儿女性的Godin对个人经历的回忆穿插姐姐在保守家庭中出柜后的自杀、药物成瘾、AIDS流行、性暴力、酷儿地下文化、美国反文化运动等议题多为第一人称自叙画面致敬Godin个人摄影风格多用静帧幻灯标题翻译完全是胡说八道“All the beauty and bloodshed”是精神科大夫给Nan Goldin因性向自杀的姐姐Barbara开的处方中写下的一句话“she sees the future and all the beauty and the bloodshed.”