You know, there's not much difference between being stuck in a loop and being stuck repeating the same shitty day over and over like back home until I die. But back home, anything could happen. It could be so much better than the camp. We tried that, man. For almost a decade. And I'm ready to go back to not hating my life. Dying just takes a secon
典型的美国式父亲典型的英雄主义故事不出众但靠着一帮配角演技派硬是让片子十分好看FREESEX性俄罗斯HD虽然故事能猜出个八九不离十此片贡献最大或者说最煽情的一处就是让steve taylor唱i don't want to miss a thing在我浅薄的看片生涯中至今没有第二部影片能做到此般恰当和煽情