加长版《高斯奥特曼全集国语版》但比自杀小队好玩太多一堆loser组成的拯救世界小队嬉笑打趣怒骂磨合中的冲突不断再加上恰到好处的黄暴以及滚导的黄金歌单甩隔壁漫威几条街求求滚导抛弃漫威加入DC吧Even Aquaman can say fuck you in this show, James Gunn rocks! 4.5星
“If I left, you never would have been born.” “But you would’ve been born instead.” Some of us will actually become the men we thought we wanted to marry. If you avoid conflict, conflict will seek you out. God may be in the details, but Goddess is in connections. This is the upside of the downside.