结构很好先把梗说出来说一个小笑话落在这个梗上中文字幕妇偷乱视频在线观最后结尾又落到这个梗上说亚洲人敏感调侃跨性别认知讲自己儿子开始喝酒抽烟参加派对中文字幕妇偷乱视频在线观最后是评论奥巴马川普希拉里关于穷白人讲到美国种族问题时他说“china is all chinese”,真是民族大团结 看他讲这一个小时完全不费神节奏很舒服乔治卡林个和罗宾威廉姆斯这种密度大的我得分好几次看完
The thing is, u can't just take away one terrible thing u did any more than u can take away the million beautiful things that we had together. That's a million to one. If u can live with that ratio for another few years, then so can I.